Tugas dan Wewenang

Tugas dan Wewenang

While carrying out its duties, PPID has duties and authorities that have been regulated in the Decree of the Directors of PT Sarinah. The duties are: and the authority of PPID

PPID Supervisor

PPID supervisor have the following duties and responsibilities:

Supervise and evaluate PPID performance;
Resolving problems that arise related to PT Sarinah Public Information management and services;
Ensure that the management and services of Public Information at PT Sarinah are in accordance with applicable regulations;
Act as the final decision maker if problems arise in the management and implementation of information services with the approval of the Board of Directors;
Provide a response in the form of a written decision which is submitted to the Public Information Applicant who submitted the objection or the party who received the power of attorney no later than 30 (thirty) days after the objection was recorded in the objection register;
Reporting the management and services of Public Information at PT Sarinah to the Board of Directors every 3 (three) months;
Create and provide a Public Information service report no later than 3 (three) months after the budget implementation year ends and upload the report via the PT Sarinah website, then a copy is submitted to the Information Commission.